Fashion usually refers to the trend of outfit and accessories preferred by most.
However, different age groups, cultures, have a range of ideas over the latest fashions. It is a difficult task to determine what is In and what is Out as a phenomena. One can, however, suggest certain familiar trends to be a representation of the latest and most popular amongst asians over the years.
Looking back, a fashion statement in the 60s will the well known Agogo style with there retro outfits and oversized accessories. Today, we only know too well the korean and japanese hotties that every asian seems to attempt at copying.
In conlcusion, fashion is no doubt what everyone aims to achieve but can never define. Afterall, its everchanging and repeats itself every now and then.
我的认为时尚就是一种潮流,当我们的眼睛被炫目的精品吸引,当我们的内心被缤纷的奇物占据,当我们的身体和意识都迫切的想要找到它拥有它时,我们就是在追逐时尚,就是在美化我们的生活,点缀我们的人生。每个人都有追逐时尚扮靓自己的权利。其实,有些时候我们可以认真仔细的看待时尚。它们没有坏处,而且,还可以让我们对流行产生更大的认识。更好 的提高自我的欣赏水平。
When our eyes are attracted by the dazzling boutique, when our hearts are occupied by the colorful curiosities, when our bodies and consciousness are eager to find it to have it, we are chasing fashion, is to beautify our lives, embellish our lives. Everyone has the right to chase fashion and dress themselves. In fact, there are times when we can look at fashion seriously and carefully. There is no harm in them, and they can also give us a greater awareness of fashion. It's a good way to improve your appreciation of yourself.
Nowadays, some students like to pursue fashion, blindly follow the trend, dress themselves up fancy, and lose their inner things.
Some people are lively, cheerful and smiling, but in order to make themselves cool and expressionless, they think they are very fashionable, but they are very artificial in other people's eyes, because they lose their nature, only pursue fashion trends, and forget their original character.
有的人原本活泼开朗,笑容满面,而为了使自己够“酷”, 变的面无表情,他们这些自认为很时尚的打扮,在别人的眼里
却显得很做作,因为他们迷失了本性,只顾追求时尚潮流,而 忘了自己原有的性格。
Such a blind pursuit of fashion trends will only make them more and more trapped. Although they feel that they have been at the forefront of fashion, they will spend a lot of money, because we have not yet fought for money. Instead, it is better to dress simply, Choose something suitable for you.
越陷越深,他们这样一会儿打耳洞、鼻洞,一会儿穿超短裙, 虽然会感到自己一直站在了时尚的最前沿,但却会使自己大
大破费许多,因为我们还没有争钱,与其这样,那倒不如穿着 朴素一点,适当的挑选一些适合自己的东西。
Some things look good on others, but they don't look good on you. Choosing the right things for you is also in pursuit of fashion.
有些东西穿在别 人身上好看,可穿在你身上就不一定好看,适当挑选适合自己 的东西也是在追求时尚潮流。
Sometimes, people see that stars are very fashionable, but they feel very natural, because they choose clothes according to their personality, rather than changing their personality according to the clothes.
有些时候,人们看见明星们穿的 很时尚,可是又觉得很自然,因为他们是根据自己的性格挑选 服装,而不是根据服装来改变自己的个性。
The pursuit of fashion has both advantages and disadvantages. It tells us that no matter what we do, we should vary from person to person. Only what suits us is the best.
追求时尚潮流有利有弊,它告诉我们无论干什么都要因人而 异,只有适合自己的,才是最好的。
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